Introduction to Microprocessors and Microcontrollers
Assuming only a general science education, Introduction to Microprocessors and Microcontrollers introduces the workings of the microprocessor, its applications, and programming in assembler and high level languages such as C and Java. Practical work and knowledge-check questions contribute to building a thorough understanding with a practical focus. The book concludes with a step-by-step exploration of a project based on the PIC microcontroller. This concise but clearly written text makes this an ideal book for electronics and IT students and a wide range of technicians and engineers, including IT systems support staff, and service engineers.
- Basic microprocessor systems
- Binary - the way micros count
- Hexadecimal - the way we communicate with micros
- How micros calculate
- An introduction to logic gates and their uses
- Registers and memories
- A microprocessor-based system
- A typical 8-bit microprocessor
- Programming - using machine code and assembly language
- High level languages
- The development of microprocessors and microcontrollersM
- The Pentium family
- The PowerPC
- The Alpha 64
- A survey of microcontrollers and how to use them
- How to use a microcontrollers for a real project
- Interfacing
- Test equipment and fault-finding
- Quiz time answers
- Further reading
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